Friday, January 13, 2006

Dudes, this online computer game is SOOO for us...

"You are a stag, a male deer. So are the other players. You meet each other in an endless forest on the internet. The setting is idyllic, the atmosphere peaceful. You communicate with one another through sounds and body language.

The Endless Forest is a virtual place where you can play with your friends. There are no goals to achieve or rules to follow. You just steer your deer through the forest and see what happens."

If only they allowed virtual grouse. And the whole "see what happens" scenario - could it somehow incorporate having an unfortunate run-in with poem-spouting, gun-toting CB?

Oh, the possibilities!


  1. that is definitely weird. and no Mac version. oh well. Grouse would be good.

  2. hmmm...Broadway getting cryptic on me? CB? Like Citizen's Band? ...poem spouting gun toting...I'l give you poem spouting gun toting...and hey, when's the last time YOU toted a gun marketing boy? What are you, some kind a pansy plume toting bureaucrat? poem spouting gun toting CB...harumpf

