Monday, January 09, 2006

Those were the good old days . . .

Keith led us to believe that the goose hunting last week was nothing short of . . . I believe the word he used was . . . "phenomenal."

Above is a photo from last week that Keith just got back from the developer's (he's still using film, sadly) that shows him, Ernie, and Mike O leaning against the overburdened recreational vehicle that the lads use in the field to haul their carcasses home. As you can tell from the photo, last week's goose hunting was indeed nothing short of phenomenal. Those sure were the good old days.

"Tell us the one about last week again, Uncle Mike." Boy, we love that one.

And as you can also clearly see from the photo, Cabin Boy (leaning, far right, in runway pose) is resplendent in knickers and argyle socks.


  1. Which one is " cabin boy"?

  2. Welcome Ernie...bout damn time.

    Cabin Boy is a philosophical typo, a misnomer.

    And, I'm too sexy for my gun...or your goose, or whatever. That goes for you too Dr. T- welcome to my catwalk.

  3. that warn't no typo, there . . . CABIN BOY.

    heh heh

    a "mis-whatter"?? careful with the polysyllabic patois there, pal--you'll confuse Ernie.

    heh heh. Welcome to the fray, Ernest.
