Monday, December 04, 2006

Layout Boat Hunt

Big front, wind and winter's return. Made a try for the divers, the ones always out in the middle. Had birds check out the spread, but only one flock of Goldeneyes was fired upon, with no success.


  1. Your one wild and crazy dude man!

  2. It wasn't so bad, if you don't count all of the cramps I have due to being so tense cuase I was scared sh*#tless!!

  3. I am always cheered by news of your survival :-)

    Mr. Bill

  4. Keith, where'd you get that boat, what kind is it, what're the specs? Do you like it? Is it comfy when you're lying down? I've been pining for a layout boat since I ran across the Mighty Layout Boys site a few years ago ( It'd be great for hunting on the bay here. I see BassPro sells them now as well, but I think I'd rather pick one up directly from the Boys on the way home from an Old T grouse camp.
    - Path Walker

  5. John, the owner of the layout boat says..."As far as the layout boat goes, I didn’t have to do much to it. I got the boat last fall and used it as is for the ’05-’06 season. That was great considering that the boat was built in the early ‘70’s. This summer I refinished it. This involved sanding off most of the paint on the sides and deck. Patching the fiberglass in two small spots where it had started to bubble up from the plywood. Then I painted it with grey duck boat paint. “Open Water Light Grey” flat marine enamel from Lock, Stock, and Barrel (light grey). “Bay Gray” from Parkers (dark gray – this is also what I have on the tender). Hope this helps. - John

  6. So Keith, has your experience in the boat inspired you to get one of your own?
    - PW

  7. Yes, but the mighy layout boys boats might be a bit more stable...

    I think if/when I get into some Redheads or Canvasbacks i will be sold.

  8. Let's see, you almost lose your life in a canoe at the very same spot. Now you've decided to scale down your vessel to camo tea cup? I don't think that I could do it.

