Monday, March 02, 2009

Mouse puppets and 800-yard shots at elk

Who would have thought mouse puppets would be such a crucial issue to the survival of hunting as we know it? More Ballet Boy getting under peoples' skin at the Fair Chase blog. for what it's worth.


  1. couldja paste the wonderful world music onto the gladiator scene? that would be super cool!

  2. it's on its way . . . in post-production as we speak.

  3. I keep enjoying that long elk shot. Awesome.

  4. go to the Thompson web site and check out their shooting course. For $1500 you can take the course in Utah, for just over $5000 they'll throw in the rifle. They work exclusively with the Weatherby 30-378, which is a big factor in being able to make those shots.

    If I ever get a job where I have discretionary income again, I'm thinking I'd love to take their course.
