Sunday, November 09, 2008

The Camp Life

Night-life at camp is, of course, important. As important as the hunting itself? Depends on how good the hunting is and how bad the dinner and musical entertainment. Luckily for us the hunting was just fine, the food lovely and the music good enough (my banjo playing brought down the quality level some, but I hope not too much).

Dr. Dirt arranged a wonderful lobster meal the first night. We enjoyed the fermented fruit of the fields and vines each night, which also served to loosen up fretwork some.

In the photo below we see the Perfesser pushing out the tunage, Cagey  taking a much needed liquid break, Dr. Dirt dreaming of bog-suckers shot over Lily and PW customizing his official "Ethics Inaction" hat (thanks to Jefe for those!).

1 comment:

Thomas said...

Am enjoying the blog so far, guys.