Tuesday, March 14, 2006

dog pic

Cagey asked for a picture of my dog somewhere along the way. Here she is as a young'n enjoying the water.

Dogge with Water Lillies (ca. 1998)


Jim Tantillo said...

actually we trained her to clean our birds for us. here she's just washed out the field dressed body cavities of my five bird limit.

Jim Tantillo said...

in Tidball's blind the limit on coots= zero if you can't identify grebes. Hint from Heloise: learn bird identification. Also: modern guns easier to plug with standard waterfowl plugs. Another argument for conventional autoloader.

KGT (aka Cagey) said...

Wow. This darn philo boy is desperate. Tantillo, you really want to drop the gauntlet?

KGT (aka Cagey) said...

I was gonna say, nice pic of the Kate-ster...but now, I might need to think about why there ain't no shots of yer duck dog in my much recently maligned duck blind.

Jim Tantillo said...

yeah, well. my duck dog's for sale, if I can pull it off sometime when my wife and kids aren't looking

KGT (aka Cagey) said...


We'll get ole' Aldo right back on track.

Hey, I am thinking about Whispering Pines for pheas. tomorrow...interested?