Springbok, Kalahari SA 2001

Impala, Eastern Cape, SA 2004

Kudu, Eastern Cape, SA 2005
grous•ers 1. Persons who hunt, trap, or pursue various plump, chickenlike game birds of the family Tetraonidae, chiefly of the Northern Hemisphere and having mottled brown or grayish plumage. 2. Complainers, or grumblers, and those prone to general ranting. 3. A number of “smart guys who hunt” and their generally smarter companions.
what are the relative merits of the beasts in regards to eating. Tastes like chicken? deer? liver? kudu?
Please post a picture of a shofarim!
But the meat of my kudo was probably not kosher, based on the way I slaughtered it, right?
But had I shot it cleanly in the throat, would that work? Or are guns just not kosher?
the meats of these three beasts are all outstanding.
See http://www.luitenwild.nl/eng/startpagina_eng.html
for descriptions from a meat distributor.
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