Monday, August 20, 2007

Enough already!

Whats up with all the crybaby name calling, blog name changes and dead deer in the creek stuff? You so lonely in State College that you need to pick on all of the northeners? You were spoken of highly this weekend when we were rebuilding "Double Black" for your hunting comfort when you come up to NY. Must be the weather down south was so crappy this weekend that it made you crabby. I realy liked the old name so could we have it back please? This sounds too much like your digging on your northern bretheren.


Ernie said...

OK so maybe I was a bit overbearing with this post, but how many times did you change the name today? I counted at least twice. Wats up wit day?

KGT (aka Cagey) said...


One change was the homage to Rich...slightly funny but certainly complete with expiration date. And done by the Ballet Boy, not Rich.

Second change, the more neutral, legalistic version, was done by me, because a.) I didn't like the new one, b.) the old one didn't accurately represent the growing grousers community, and c.) 'cause I can, at least until Ballet Boy takes my privileges away. So there.

Hey, thanks for all the back breaking help on the blind construction Part 1. Now, any idea about what to do with nicely raked piles of soaked hay, hay I should have baled yesterday instead of playing dedicated duck hunter? So much for rain on Wednesday.

KGT (aka Cagey) said...

And another thing...nice grumbly, ranty, grouser post. :)