Thursday, October 25, 2007

Reference--ponds at Canoga Marsh

By request--


Vicar(ious) said...

that's so beautiful it brings a tear to my eye.

Jim T said...

dude, I had no idea those ponds are that extensive. pretty damn impressive!

Ernie said...

I wouldn't let too many people see this, you'll have the entire state hunting the area. How many ducks do you think breed in this much habitat?

KGT (aka Cagey) said...

Good question ernie. I am certainly no waterfowl biologist, but I think that the project has had a significant impact on wood duck nesting, which will be magnified by installing many more wood duck nesting structures. I'd also venture that it at least quadruples available nesting habitat for those birds that nest in cattail marsh edges. If we would have had a wetter summer, I think we would have seen much larger numbers of breeders in the area. There is talk of a banding project here, to ascertain real impacts.

Yeoman said...

From your own blog, I understand these were rehabilitated? They look great.