and a + ten pound Lake Trout
on a beautiful July morning on Seneca Lake.
grous•ers 1. Persons who hunt, trap, or pursue various plump, chickenlike game birds of the family Tetraonidae, chiefly of the Northern Hemisphere and having mottled brown or grayish plumage. 2. Complainers, or grumblers, and those prone to general ranting. 3. A number of “smart guys who hunt” and their generally smarter companions.
...Central New York's closest approximation of a good Cuban cigar and a nice billfish. Very Hemingway-esque.
Mr. Bill
$10.00 cigar? Wow, that's a pricey stogie. Was it worth taht price?
Nice trout!
It wouldn't have been worth it if I hadn't caught the trout... ;)
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