grous•ers 1. Persons who hunt, trap, or pursue various plump, chickenlike game birds of the family Tetraonidae, chiefly of the Northern Hemisphere and having mottled brown or grayish plumage. 2. Complainers, or grumblers, and those prone to general ranting. 3. A number of “smart guys who hunt” and their generally smarter companions.
Purina deer chow? What happened to planting & managing your land for quality deer production?
Nothin' but glorified bait.
Swampthing... does the phrase hook, line, and sinker mean anything to you? :)
Whether or not "Purina Deer Bait" is actually bait isn't the point,; the Philosopher is baiting Grousers into talking about baiting, a favorite discussion/pass-time of his. Resist! Fight the power! Don't take the bait!
jelly donuts for bears = peanut butter for mice...discuss.
Mr. KGT,
Swamp Thing has a point. Real hunters would put the time and effort into planting annuals and perennials that generated bait on an ongoing, natural and organic (and by organic I mean only using carbon-based fertilizers and pesticides) manner.
Buying bags of Purina Deer Bait is a spit in the face to the split-rail values championed by Saint Aldo (you know, that guy who wounded deer by taking 50 yard shots with his homemade self-bow and arrows whittled from driftwood). St. Aldo devoted a WHOLE CHAPTER of his epic tome "A Bland County Almanac" to the need for REAL hunters to grow their own bait piles.
As Always,
Mr. Baiter
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