Wednesday, September 06, 2006

This one by request

A banner day in the killing fields. Limits for all at the Murray farm. 2004.


Ernie said...

AHHHHHHHHH, a day I remember well! In the center of this picture is a very tall fellow by the name of Dave. To the right of him is another man named Jack. Jack has the dubious honor of being named "Kite Killer". Does anyone know the identity of a member of this estimed Blog site who also shares that name? For extra points can you tell me the other alias he was given around October 5th of last year? Bonus points go to the individual that can use a lot of big words to describe both events.

KGT (aka Cagey) said...

Well,I will leave the treatise of the Kite Killer moniker to individuals of greater mental faculty than I. However, to the alternate alias query, I may prove capabale of providing some historical fodder.

As I recall, it was a tempestuous hunting excursion, the atmosphere colluding with the riparian "powers that be" in the St. Lawrence River watershed. Our lonely isle stood as a solitary beacon of safe-harbor, of safety, of sanctuary, and of duck sluicing.

We were veritable cast-aways on our island, with only our shotguns to augment the larder. With no prospect of conjugal visits in our stranded state, one of our number found his solace in the arms of, dare I say it, Ameiurus nebulosus, otherwise known as the Brown Bullhead.

Jim Tantillo said...

in other words, Kite Killer sleeps with the fishes...

Ernie said...

20 bonus points go to Cabin Boy for the way he articulated his responce. That would be 2 points each for the 10 words that I had to look up in my picture dictionary to find out what the hell he was trying to say. I was going to give Vassili some points for his briefness of just getting to the point but I realized that he still did not reveal the identity of mr "Kite Killer". To help unravel ths mystery I have a clue to share. Mr Kite Killer or Mr Bullhead, whichever is your preference, is rumored to work somewheres in the same local as Cabin Boy and Vassili. If that isn't enough of a clue for you how about this one. This "Killer" has been observed admiring and petting a dead duck while other, more liely ducks were landing in the decoys in front of the double black blind. Now can you guess the mystery man's identity? Points await!

Frank Zappai said...

I'll take a stab at this one: could it be none other than the handsome gent in this photo? aka Little Billy

Anonymous said...

Yes, it was none other than "little Billy" as captured in that historic photo posted by Tantillo.

... I hope to make my return to Beer Camp this Sunday.

... I will have replacement kites in tow. I am bringing two of them, as I remember that shot being a clean double.

Bullhead/KK/Little Billy