Jonah and the doe.
Thinking of the warm, still form;
grous•ers 1. Persons who hunt, trap, or pursue various plump, chickenlike game birds of the family Tetraonidae, chiefly of the Northern Hemisphere and having mottled brown or grayish plumage. 2. Complainers, or grumblers, and those prone to general ranting. 3. A number of “smart guys who hunt” and their generally smarter companions.
Josh, that's awesome. Was this a winter hunt, recent hunt, or what?
was confused, as Jim
talk from the horse shed light
kill a deer next year
ahh, think I got it
"Thanksgiving" the holiday
. . . a Canoga doe?
Twas past Thanksgiving at Canoga Creek Farms. Keith wisely decided against a morning hunt instead going for a walk, with a gun. The deer were thusly caught unawares.
We brought the kids down into the "bottomlands" to examine the doe and engage in a little CSI:Canoga Creek. We recreated where the deer was standing when first hit, the approximate trajectory and wound channel and discussed the literal coup de grace.
My haiku attempt referenced Jonah's request for a little rest after the close-up examination of the doe.
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