Monday, February 13, 2006

Friends of Grousers garner prestigious poetry accolades!

It may interest grousers to know that two long-time friends of this blog, Frank Zappai and Rusty Parker, were today each singled out for his poetic brilliance and all around haiku excellence by the blog management at Choka On It: The World's Longest Poem.

Read what the awards committee had to say about our boys in awarding the first-ever Wall of Fame recognition to this week's winners:
Frank Zappai

performance anxiety
don't choka tonight

Frank laid down several nice couplets, but this is the best of the set. May or may not make reference to the szetela stanza that appeared above it, vaguely bawdy, and an always-popular choka pun (and all without the atonality of his namesake). Winner.

Rusty Parker

Little Annie Oakley a
silent shooting star

Lots of goodness here. Continues on the silent movie theme from Borut''s couplet above, gives us a spectacular link to an old Edison silent (go to the actual choka for the link), makes a pun and alliteration on "silent shooting star." Gun nuts are scary. We're nuts about Rusty.
Jim again: I couldn't agree more. We're nuts about Rusty, and also about Frank--and let's give them both a big old-fashioned grousers hero's welcome back to both of them as they return from the grueling competition in the choka trenches.

Both Frank and Rusty are now qualified to display the highly coveted Choka Wall of Fame Banner on their respective websites:

Good work fellas!

As an aside, and on a somewhat sour note, it may further interest grousers to know that the humble efforts of yours truly to achieve choka excellence this week went, sadly, unrecognized. But that will not deter me from giving it my all this coming week. I hereby do solemnly vow to win Wall of Fame recognition before I die, or before my computer explodes, whichever comes first.

Read the full poem as it emerges and continues to evolve at Choka On It.


b1-66er said...

Thanks for the plug, so to speak.

We've done a slight mod to Rusty's information -- you may want to check it and update.

Jim Tantillo said...

OUCH! looks like the choka blog management giveth on the one hand and then taketh with the other.

Old Rusty has lodged a formal complaint with the management, and it looks like Rusty won. Pretty gutsy, Rusty.