Here is a little picture I like to call, Dead Birds with Parker:

Just like I miss you guys. sniff sniff. Tugs at my heartstrings, thinking of each and every one of you.
Josh, with your amusing tendency to get violently ill at grouse camp for no reason. Well, there was a reason, we just won't mention it.
Safari, for your generous contributions of candy bars and camraderie in the conifers. Say, that could be a haiku.
Pete, I miss your manic-ness. Period.
Vicar. who are you exactly? heh heh
Path Walker, I miss your dragging me through impenetrable alder swamps at high rates of speed following your (ahem) slightly higher energy setter than I'm accustomed to.
Mr. Bill, I miss your calming presence on hunts with Mr. Pete. That and all those conversations trying to figure out the perfect gun for you. By the way, how's that new Elsie?
Mr. Mike. I don't really miss you because you're just as active a blogger as I am. But if I did miss you, I would miss your geometric approach to cutting transects through the coverts, and my telling you to forget geometry.
Cabin Boy. I also don't miss you since you work in my building. But when I wax on, wax off about days afield with the Cabinmeister, I guess I'd say I miss that whole group of Canoga goosers and duckers you've introduced me to. I don't miss you reminding me about Jim's Comeuppance every time we bird hunt.
Hmmm. I can take this further. Ernie, I know you sometimes read this blog. I miss your Meals Ready to Eat of grilled steaks marinaded in Chiavettas. Also miss that monstrous bonfire at beer camp.
Mike O--I miss your calling ability for bringing ducks in and your gentlemanly holding back on shots so I can have first crack at them. Except for when you invoke the rarely-invoked "drakes only" rule, or say "go" instead of "take em." oh wait, that's Tidball.
Carola, since you're still listed in the blog lineup, I miss your pseudonymous haiku lurking in the comments sections. If you're still reading, let us know you're out there, every now and then.
Well, I'm sure I miss more than just you folks, but I've gotten myself so veclempt that I can't type. Talk amongst yourselves.
Hey Jim, wipe those tears of lonliness away and come up to the "refuge" for a little tree killing. Mike and I have been busy giving Keith a better view of the blinds from his house. grab your warm clothes and wind breaker, you'll need them today, and if we're not there try out beer camp. Can't promise a campfire, due to the wind, but I'm sure a few lies will be passed out. See Yaaaaaa!!!
hey Ernie, sorry I missed the fun. you planning on going again next weekend? be sure to save some big trees for me . . . .
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