Now that it's the end of the season (well, at least for some of us), thoughts naturally turn to . . . hunting gear. Good hunting gear, better hunting gear, and . . . more hunting gear. You can never have enough hunting gear.
For the Cabin Boys among you, hunting gear often takes the form of fine clothing: expensive rubber boots, tweed coats, out of style English headwear . . . you know, cabin wear.
Here's just the ticket for you grousers who want to look like you just stepped out of the 1891 Sears-Roebuck catalogue. A waterproof hunting coat, crafted of fine brown duck and just the thing for hunting.

Doesn't get much more traditional than this.
Now that we've fed the blog, we're going hunting. Joining me this morning in the woods and haunts around Hector will be the Vicar himself. He undoubtedly will be resplendent in brown duck and sexy construction orange, and I will wear my torn rags. Our winter thoughts turn to . . . new hunting gear.
Details at 11:00.
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