Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Why cats are a threat to sportsmen

Long time students of my academic . . . ahem . . . "career" will know that I have taken an interest in the subject of feral cats. What many people don't know is the actual reason cats are such a threat to sportsmen and the wildlife sportsmen like to kill.

Research in this area has proven inconclusive to date. Interested sportsmen would do well to turn to the following source to understand the considerable complexity of the issue:

Tantillo, James A. 2006. "Killing Cats and Killing Birds: An Overview of Philosophical Issues Involving Feral Cats and Wildlife." Consultations in Feline Internal Medicine, Fifth Edition, ed. John R. August (Philadelphia: Elsevier), 701-708.

(That's a real citation, by the way--not a gag.) (Although of course the article may make you gag.)

This picture, however, finally provides definitive proof that cats and bird hunting do not mix.

Wildlife managers who are concerned about feral cat population control management would do well to watch the following video on cat handling techniques.

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